2 minutes
Additional listing pursuant to Scrip Alternative and Total Voting Rights

Foresight Solar Fund Limited
("Foresight Solar" or "the Company")
Additional listing pursuant to Scrip Alternative and Total Voting Rights
Click here to download the announcement.
29 August 2019
Foresight Solar Fund Limited, a fund investing in a diversified portfolio of ground-based solar PV assets in the UK and internationally, announces that it has made an application for 597,383 New Ordinary Shares of no par value in the Company ("New Shares") to be admitted to the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") and to trading on the London Stock Exchange. It is expected that these New Shares will be admitted to trading on or around 30 August 2019.
The application is being made pursuant to the scrip dividend alternative in lieu of cash for the interim dividend for the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2019. Elections for a scrip dividend were received in respect of 7.68% of the Ordinary Shares in issue as at the record date of 26 July 2019. When issued, these New Shares will rank pari passu with the existing Ordinary Shares.
Following admission of the New Shares, the Company's issued share capital will consist of Ordinary Shares of no par value each. With effect from 30 August 2019, the total number of issued shares with voting rights will be 549,538,933.
The above figure of 549,538,933 may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or of a change to their interest in, Foresight Solar Fund Limited under the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Further information on the Scrip Dividend Scheme can be found in the Scrip Dividend Alternative Offer Circular (the "Scrip Offer") which is available on the Company's website to view and/or download at fsfl.foresightgroup.eu/investor-relations/. The Scrip Offer is also available on the National Storage Mechanism website at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM. Copies of the Scrip Offer 2019 will also be available for inspection at 28 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3QA.